Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Self Evaluation of Task Four

My thesis for my paper was; it seems America's society takes the gift of reading and writing for granted, including myself   with my experiences with reading and writing, and having teachers who have influenced my reading and writing skills.
The main points of my paper where the experiences I had with reading and writing, the teachers I had.
The most helpful advice was on ways to construct my thesis statement.
I had two drafts that I typed on the computer and brainstormed my ideas without writing on paper or typing them. I felt that I could have done better incorporating the story “How I Learned to Read and Write” into my task paper.

A formal review of English 100

My reading and writing has changed since I have taken this class. I have become a more confident writer and the class has got me to read more than I ever had in high school. The class was a new experience for me I did not dread each task paper, I often found myself looking forward and anticipating the next paper. As for being a better writer and reader I feel as though I have improved my writing skills tremendously, although I have much more room for improvement. My reading skills I feel as it's up to par with everything I'm able to comprehend much of material and remember what I read. English-100 has given me feeling of self accomplishment and a liking towards English I notice that it's not something terrible in high school with boring old journal writings on paper that you have to save in your bag. Being introduced to blogging has helped my writing/typing skills I try to write formally answering questions and it's very helpful with responses to readings for task papers. Overall I thought my first semester at college went very well and I hope to continue learning and becoming better at  reading, and writing.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Lonely, Good Company of Books

My relationship with books are not the greatest. I don't find many books that attract my attention. But when I do I become infatuated with the book, I did this with Lord of the Rings I found it was not a story about the ring and Frodo. But it was also about Aragorn and his fear being consumed by the power of being king. My experience on becoming a reader started with Narnia and Harry Potter. These books gave me interest into books, history to gain a personal understanding. Also these books made me realize I never read to just read like Rodriguez did, I try to gain some type of knowledge or personal gain from a book. If I were to read Plato's "The Republic" I would not just read it to say that I read it. Instead I would read it understand it and remember some philosophies Plato and maybe have a conversation or explain "The Republic" to someone. Comprehension to me is the key thing I aim for when reading if I were not to understand the book or text I may not read it or research it in depth. I am currently doing this with Norse/Pagan mythology for a research paper most of the books are older than dirt so it take allot of analyzing and comprehension to explain what the Norse faith was like.