Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Analysis of Kozol

A better analysis will be posted later, when I have received money to buy the book. But so far, in class his aspect on inner city school's sound's very terrifying with teachers who don't care about teaching making a connection with their student's. There is the exception of the one choir teacher who sings gospel songs with them. She gives them a sense of values, god's helping hand, and hope. I had a teacher similar like this Terry Miller. He was a interesting character very religious and science teacher. My class had no values or hope in life, most of the kids took the class thinking it would be easy it didn't turn out that way. Mr. Miller asked the class why we came to school, what we wanted to find out from our high school career. We did allot of critical thinking in the astronomy class we had most students still slept in class or didn't show up to class. Mr. Miller did change some students but not all it was nice to see a teacher trying to reach out to make a difference. That's what the school Kozol talked about was missing they needed more teacher's like the choir teacher. I'm more privileged to have many teacher's that helped their students giving hope you can do anything you set your mind to and pushing you to exceeded the thought of your best. It may be because I didn't live in a inner city school were violence happens daily and having a school with poor conditions.

Task Three Question: Would you like to explore the problems in our educational system and provide your own opinions and solutions?

I would like to find out problems in our educational system. I think there are many problems such as funding for schools why do suburban school's recieve more money than inner city school's or school's that do poorly on standardized tests, or maybe the importance of adminstation and board of education to school's. I would like to see equal distrubtion of funds towards school's, also why school's spend more on sport's such as football, basketball, baseball etc. instead of computers and books and school renovations.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood

4.) He makes assumptions about adulthood being simple for a 16 year old teen to handle.  I don't agree with his thoughts at all. Because they are outlandish putting kids in what sounds like a super intensive education. At sixteen kids act independent, but they just want to have fun hanging out with friends go to party's. I know in my town most kids don't pay for their gas, cars, or even have a job. Considering 16 year old's are not capable to make a smart decision. Botstein's proposal doesn't offer them to try adulthood it pushes them out into the real world with not experience. There would be many things that would need to change such as child labor laws. Most kids dont even get a job till 16 those few years in highschool having a job gets the teen an experience of the world. We have classes now were you can get highschool credits working a job that is trying adulthood working in the middle of the day not going to school. If you try something you don't throw yourself into something you don't know. You would want to take a small sample of it. Just like trying food it's like if you take a nibble of some strange new food and before you know it you've ate everything on the plate. I would like to know more about this man, it seems to me if he had a troubled past in high school  if he wasn't in the clique.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where College Fails Us

My experiences of college have been slim and great so far. I like it because it's not like highschool and I seem to be learning more easily. I'm in college to gain some type of advantage over other people in the working world. College to me is worth the time, hardwork, and the money. Because its furthering your education and you get to become something that desire to be and help people.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Task Two Evaluation

I felt that this paper was good. I did not get to correct my final draft as much as I would had liked, because of microsoft word not working. I think that there was great detail and support. I hope people that read it realize what my father went through and providing for us in this difficult world with no GED

Interview Process

I conducted my interview in my kitchen, overall my interview went well I still have some questions not pertaining to paper like how some family is doing and who is still alive. I learned how my father lived and now understand things that happened in California.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Becoming Educated

What does education mean to me ? Education means the opprutinty to better your life. Becoming that teacher, lawyer, scientist, doctor, or politician. As Americans we are given the opprutinty to go to school become something great. It's whether you as a person decides to act on this gift of education. You may get your highschool diploma, but education doesn't end there. You may choose to go to college get your doctors or may have found a good paying job. You are always learning gaining knowledge and striving to be the top in the world's marketplace. Education is the step to success and learning to become a life long learner.